Your claim needs to be in your name.
You need to have a Road Accident Claim (RAF) that has been finalised by Judgment in your favour or in terms of a settlement with the Road Accident Fund (RAF). The Judgement would need to be in your name, not in the name of your minor child (for example if you were acting in your capacity as guardian).
If you have been placed under curatorship by the court, the agreement of your curator may be required.
What if I am unemployed or blacklisted?
This would have no effect on your application as this is a sale and cession agreement (where you effectively sell all or part of your Judgement) and is not a loan so it does not prevent us from providing finance.
What if my claim is not settled, can you still help?
If you are currently engaged with a claim against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) and the claim has not yet been settled. Augury Capital can assist with a personal loan to assist you during the claim process.
What are the requirements to qualify for a personal loan?
• You have a valid claim against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) (or other state institution) and summons has already been served.
• You are not under debt review
• The claim needs to be in your name (for example, if you are acting in a capacity as guardian for a claim in the name of your minor child, you would not qualify).
• The normal qualifying criteria in terms of the National Credit Act would apply in this case.